Pregnancy not only makes your belly bigger but your legs and feet may also swell. Every pregnant woman knows the pain that accompanies swelling, which can sometimes be severe. A good pedicure can relieve pressure on your feet and make your skin softer. A gentle massage can sound so relaxing and irresistible. But is it any good? Or are there more risks? let us see.
Why Do Feet Hurt During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the feet and lower extremities undergo some dramatic structural and functional changes. The hormone relaxin, produced during the first trimester of pregnancy, helps prepare the pelvic structures for fertility, but relaxin levels decline as a woman’s pregnancy progresses.
Relaxin can also make numerous muscles, tendons, and ligaments more sensitive to weight bearing and standing, often causing fatigue and pain in the feet.
Since every woman’s pregnancy is different, some women will experience more severe foot pain than others.
Is a Foot Massage Safe During Pregnancy?

Many women wish to opt for a pedicure foot massage during pregnancy for pain relief, especially knowing that there are massages specifically for pregnant women. However, these drugs have not been approved by any medical institution, so their efficacy cannot be completely determined. Many spas do not accept pregnant women, and many doctors avoid recommending massage therapists.
However, a proper pregnancy massage by an experienced professional is safe for the mother, while also delivering the necessary benefits. These professionals are professionally trained and certified and have the right knowledge of where to massage and what to avoid.
Benefits of a Pregnancy Foot Massage?
There are many benefits of foot massage during pregnancy. Some of them are:
- Pregnant women have higher fluid retention rates than usual. This is also accompanied by venous compression as the growing uterus puts pressure on it. With foot massage, pregnant women may feel some relief from increased blood circulation.
- The process of massaging creates a feeling of calm and peace that helps restore mental balance. This is crucial for first-time mothers, as the stress and anxiety of pregnancy can hinder a healthy delivery.
- For mothers with depressive symptoms who are on medication, regular massage can help lift their mood. It may also help deliver a healthy baby.
Risks of Foot Massage During Pregnancy
The effect of foot massage is huge, but foot massage has certain risks. Here are some possible risks to keep in mind.
Also known as deep vein thrombosis, it is usually the result of a blood clot. This blood clot is more common in the legs and occurs in a vein deep in the leg, or even in several veins. This can cause swelling in the leg with severe pain. Many women have this condition with only one leg, so it’s easy to diagnose.
In this case, foot massage can be life-threatening. This is because any pressure on the vein can cause the blood clot to loosen from the vein wall and begin to pass through the circulatory system. When blood clots reach the lungs, they can block blood flow and lead to various complications, including embolism.
- punctate edema
The swelling that occurs during pregnancy is also called edema. This swelling is not uncommon, as it is usually the result of an increase in the size of the uterus as well as hormonal changes. Both conditions begin to affect the veins and hinder normal blood circulation. This is why massage brings relief as it helps circulation by reducing swelling
However, if the swelling tends to form a pit when pressure is applied, this is usually a sign of pit edema. This requires immediate examination by a doctor, as it may indicate the presence of deep vein thrombosis or preeclampsia.
Dos And Don’ts Of Foot Massage During Pregnancy

Indeed, when you are pregnant, you have a radiant glow. However, having a spa treatment at a spa is good for you because it can help you relax. There are a few points you must keep in mind when you visit a foot spa during pregnancy.
- Make sure you can use the services of a well-known center. Ask a spa professional how their services are delivered.
- Before getting a massage, seek the advice of your doctor before opting for massage therapy.
- Remember, all aroma oils are not good for you when you are pregnant. Opting for jasmine, chamomile, and spearmint are great for stress relief and stress relief.
- Don’t ask a professional to shorten the service time just because you don’t have enough time, because the main purpose of using a massage service is to relax.
- Stay away from new massage centers in your area as they may not provide good service.
- Ask a professional not to do plantar reflexes while massaging your feet. Reflexology is not recommended for pregnant women.
Proper Way to Perform a Foot Massage While Pregnant
A foot massage in the third trimester of pregnancy can bring the right benefits when done correctly. It is also necessary to use the right massage oil and massage technique. Here are a few steps your partner or caregiver can follow to get a foot massage right.
- The first step is to apply an appropriate amount of oil to the pregnant woman’s feet and partner’s hands. This will make foot massage easier.
- Start with the feet and massage from the toes to the ankles while applying pressure. Make sure your partner’s grip isn’t too strong. Continue to massage your feet for about 5-8 minutes.
- When you’re done, move up from your ankles. Focus on the part from the ankle to the knee and start the massage. Make sure your hands cover your legs and calves as much as possible. Keep the pressure on your hands steady and maintain a large stroke speed, one uninterrupted movement from your ankles all the way to your knees. Continue doing this for about 10 minutes or so.
- When done, go to the final stage. Now, focus on the area from the knee to the thigh. Rub in a little more oil if needed to keep the area lubricated. Be careful in this area, but maintain firm, steady pressure. Thighs have a larger surface area, so it’s best to alternately massage the outer and vertical parts with both hands. This ensures that you cover the entire leg for complete pain relief. Continue doing this for 5-8 minutes. Then take a break before switching to the other leg.
Areas That Should Be Avoided While Performing the Massage
There are three main areas of the foot to avoid when giving a pregnant woman a foot massage.
SP6 Acupuncture Point: Located in the medial malleolus area above the medial malleolus bone, this pressure point stimulates the lower abdomen, which may be detrimental to pregnant women.
Bladder 60: Located behind the lateral malleolus, between the Achilles tendon and the main bone, this point is primarily used for pain relief during labor. So take extra precautions to stay away from it.
Bladder 67: Located on the corners of the toes near the baby’s toenails, it is a common acupressure point used to stimulate contractions to put the baby in the delivery position. There are three main areas of the foot to avoid when giving a pregnant woman a foot massage.
SP6 Acupuncture Point: Located in the medial malleolus area above the medial malleolus bone, this pressure point stimulates the lower abdomen, which may be detrimental to pregnant women.
Bladder 60: Located behind the lateral malleolus, between the Achilles tendon and the main bone, this point is primarily used for pain relief during labor. So take extra precautions to stay away from it.
Bladder 67: Located on the corners of the toes near the baby’s toenails, it is a common acupressure point used to stimulate contractions to put the baby in the delivery position.
The Takeaway
When it comes to getting a massage during pregnancy, it’s important to be aware of several of the risks. Not every woman faces the same risks, which is why to talk to your doctor to see if reflexology is right for you.
There are many acupuncture points on the feet that you want to avoid because they stimulate uterine contractions when you don’t want to. Despite the risks, prenatal massage can be beneficial if your healthcare provider allows it. Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression is only a small part of the benefits of massage that pregnant women can enjoy.
Remember, taking care of yourself during pregnancy can help you and your baby stay healthy during pregnancy. Always talk to your doctor to determine what is best for you and your body.