If you’ve been wondering: Can babies eat maple syrup? The answer is a resounding yes, but only after a certain amount of time has passed. This is because your child’s digestive system has not yet developed enough to process more complex foods and will take some time. Let’s take a more detailed look at why waiting so long is recommended and what are the benefits of eating maple syrup.
Where Does Maple Syrup Come From?
In what are now Indigenous communities in the United States and Canada, maple syrup is a traditional food, and gathering and boiling maple syrup is a well-known spring ritual. It takes about 40 parts sap to make one serving, but once the syrup is made, it can also be converted into maple butter (a spreadable solid), maple sugar granules, or malleable toffee.
Once you’re ready to introduce maple syrup, there are hundreds of options to try, each with a different flavor. Different geographic locations and varieties of maple trees, as well as the season or even time of day when the sap is harvested, will produce slightly different flavored syrups.
Can Babies Have Maple Syrup?

As mentioned, the answer is: Can babies eat maple syrup? Yes, but not when they were very young.
While the main reason is to prevent botulism in babies, the actual risk of maple syrup is nowhere near as great as when babies eat honey or honey nut Cheerios.
This is because real maple syrup is boiled before being sold, which kills almost all Clostridium botulinum bacteria, making it safer for children to eat.
The real problem, however, is that it’s a complex food, and young children lack the tools to break down their guts.
This ability only develops when your child is around 4 months old (up to 6 months), at which point you can slowly start adding solid foods to your child’s diet.
When Can Babies Have Maple Syrup
While it’s considered safe to introduce maple syrup after a baby’s first birthday, it can be beneficial to wait until closer to the second birthday to introduce sugar and other sweeteners. Babies are born with sweet teeth, so it’s important to give babies and toddlers plenty of time to taste sugar-free foods.
Why Is Maple Syrup Bad For Babies?
While maple syrup is a natural sweetener, it’s made up of free sugars, which can lead to cavities once your baby grows teeth.
Foods high in sugar also make your baby feel full faster, which the NHS says means they’re less likely to eat healthier foods, so they may be missing out on some key nutrients.
When your baby is first getting used to solid foods, you should focus on introducing them to as many different flavors and textures as possible, so they are more likely to eat a variety of healthy meals as they grow up.
Adding too much sugar to your child’s food can hinder this process as they get used to eating too many sweets.
You may have thought about substituting maple syrup for honey in your baby’s diet since honey isn’t safe for babies until they’re a year old. In fact, you’d be better off avoiding any sweeteners in the first place and waiting until your baby has tasted a lot of different healthy foods first.
Can Maple Syrup Cause Botulism?
Infant botulism is a neurological disorder caused by toxins produced by the spores of Clostridium botulinum, often associated with honey, and the common risks in maple syrup are unknown. 7.8 Infant botulism, which is caused by ingestion of spores by infants before their gut microbiota has developed enough to protect them from infection, differs from foodborne botulism (when food is contaminated with botulism in inappropriate household canned foods). Bacterial toxin contamination). Foodborne botulism is a risk to everyone. 9 Because maple syrup is highly concentrated (with very little water content) and is very high in sugar, this syrup provides an unfavorable environment for C. botulinum spores to grow. On the other hand, raw maple sap does carry a risk of botulism because it is low in sugar, low in concentration, and not too acidic, which favors the production of these toxins. Never give raw maple sap to a baby.
How Should Maple Syrup Be Introduced To Babies

Every baby has its own developmental schedule, and advice on how to cut or prepare specific foods is a generalization for a broad audience. Your child is an individual and may have needs or considerations outside of generally accepted practices. In determining food size and shape recommendations, we used the best available scientific information on thickness and oral motor development to minimize the risk of choking. The preparation advice we provide is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for one-on-one advice for children from your pediatric medical or health professional or provider. It is not possible to completely eliminate all risks of a baby or child choking on any liquid, puree, or food. We recommend that you follow all of our recommended safety protocols, create a safe eating environment, and make educated choices for your child based on their specific needs. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking because of what you have read or seen here.
- 6 to 12 months: Avoid. Babies are born with sweet tooth, so it’s important to give babies and toddlers plenty of time to taste sugar-free foods.
- 12 to 24 months: While it is safe to introduce maple syrup after a baby’s first birthday, the syrup contains sugar and is best avoided at this age when taste preferences kick in.
- 24 months and older: Come on! Sprinkle a drizzle of maple syrup on pancakes, serve with nut butter, oatmeal, or yogurt, or mix into foods like sauces or smoothies. Maple syrup is also a delicious sweetener for homemade granola.
What Can I Give Baby Instead of Maple Syrup?
If you want to give your kids a sweet treat, some healthy maple sugar substitutes include:
- Cinnamon – Stir into milk, porridge, or similar. Never give a child cinnamon alone
- chunky apples, sliced bananas, or strawberries
- Dilute juice – NHS recommends no more than 150ml a day and diluting it to one part juice and ten parts water
Keep in mind that breast milk, milk, fruits, and vegetables naturally contain sugar, so your baby may already be getting a lot of sugar without the need for additional sweeteners.
If you decide to give your baby a little maple syrup, make sure you stir it into a large meal rather than eating it on its own to help prevent cavities.
Answers to research questions: Can babies eat maple syrup? Very interesting, especially when the results are positive, but it’s better to wait 4 months to a whole year. It’s worth noting that maple syrup isn’t the best food either.
Sticking with fruits, vegetables, and baby food from the start will help him build a healthy palate from the start.
Be sure to mash and puree them, though, so your little connoisseur doesn’t have to chew too much.