When your baby won’t sleep in the bassinet, it can be very draining on your body and mind. In situations like these, your baby typically prefers to sleep on you or in your arms. Although at first you may have thought this was cute and enjoyed the cuddles, as the weeks pass you start to feel like you are being held captive and have other things that require your attention.
My Baby Won’t Go To Sleep In The Bassinet; Why?
Your newborn baby may refuse to sleep in their bassinet for a variety of reasons, many of which are simple to fix. Your baby has been safe and warm inside of you for the last nine months. Now that they are in the modern world, everything can seem harsh in comparison and is cold, bright, and overwhelming. They miss the warmth, coziness, and sounds of home.
- Your baby is hungry. Smaller stomachs need to be filled up more frequently. You might notice that your baby prefers to feed rather than sleep, especially during growth spurts and cluster feedings.
- Your infant has gas. When a child needs to burp or pass gas, it can be difficult for them to stay asleep.
- Your infant’s diaper is filthy. It’s challenging for babies to fall asleep and stay asleep if they’re uncomfortable, just like when they have a gassy stomach.
- Your baby is too hot or cold. Check your infant to make sure they are not shivering or perspiring. The ideal temperature for their room is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20 and 22 degrees Celsius).
- Your infant is incapable of distinguishing between day and night. Some young children find it difficult to distinguish between day and night. You can help train their internal clock by keeping lights on throughout the day, slightly extending awake times, and establishing bedtime sleep routines.
- The startle reflex in your baby is awaking them. Swaddling is a good option for young babies, but keep in mind that once your baby starts to roll over, it’s no longer safe.
Why Is Putting Babies To Sleep In A Bassinet Important?
Babies’ development and safety depend on where and how they sleep. The following are some benefits of using a bassinet:
Your Baby Is Safer Because Of It.
Babies need to sleep in their bassinet so that they have a secure place to do so. According to the CDC’s safe sleep recommendations, infants should sleep in a bassinet or crib rather than in their parents’ beds. According to research, infants who share a bed with their parents are more likely to experience SIDS. For this reason, it is advised that parents avoid doing so.
Healthy Sleeping Habits For Your Infant Are Facilitated By It.
Babies who fall asleep in their parents’ arms may grow to depend on being held in order to stay asleep. Your baby will learn to associate their bassinet with sleep if you use it for both daytime and nighttime naps.
Your baby will have no trouble dozing off at night thanks to this association. It will also help your baby develop the ability to comfort themselves and go back to sleep on their own if they wake up during the night. For better sleep, self-settling is an essential skill.

How Can I Get My Baby To Fall Asleep In Their Bassinet?
Your baby obviously didn’t get the memo because they are not interested in sleeping in it despite the months of research you put into finding the perfect crib, cot, or bassinet for your precious newborn. Here’s how to start acclimating your baby to sleeping in their bassinet once you’ve made sure everything is set up to give them the best chance of settling and sleeping soundly:
- The ideal temperature for a baby’s room is between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius.
- Your baby should be dressed appropriately for the ambient temperature. You can determine how to dress them for sleep using a room thermometer.
- Consider swaddling your child if they aren’t rolling over to help them feel as snug as they did in the womb. Swaddling lessens the likelihood that they will be startled awake by assisting in the inhibition of the startle reflex.
- Before you begin preparing your baby for sleep, change their diaper.
- To make sure your infant is satisfied and at ease, feed and wind them. If you’re lying down, wind pain is frequently worse.
- If your infant has reflux, try to keep them sitting up after a feeding for 20 to 30 minutes before putting them to sleep.
- Put your infant to sleep in a room with white noise and darkness. White noise is soothing because it imitates sounds that babies would have heard while still in the womb. It can also put your baby to sleep by blocking out background noise.
- Instead of putting your infant to sleep on you, try putting them in their bassinet. If you can put the baby down first, then put them to sleep, they will be less likely to wake up when they are placed in their bassinet.
- In order to prevent them from being too or too little tired, make sure they are getting the proper amount of awake time in between naps. Babies require a careful balance of awake time during the day and naps. Our Little Ones app will make it easier to determine how long your child should be awake in between naps.
Safety Rules For Using Bassinets
Be sure to adhere to safe sleep recommendations when setting up the bassinet or crib for your child.
- The mattress in your baby’s crib or bassinet should be firm, and the space should be clear of any extra blankets, toys, or pillows. (Make sure the swaddle is not covering your baby’s head. Swaddles should begin just below the shoulders.)
- The crib should be set up so that your baby can sleep on their back.
- Sleep positioners should not be used. (There is a risk of suffocation when using sleep positioners, according to studies.)
- Never sleep in the same bed as your infant. All night long, leave them in their crib or bassinet.
Tips If Your Newborn Still Won’t Sleep In Their Bassinet
Your newborn still refuses to sleep in their bassinet despite the fact that you’ve tried everything we’ve mentioned here.!
It does happen! If your baby is used to sleeping on you or in your arms, it will take some time for them to get used to sleeping in their bassinet.
Following are some pointers and techniques that I used to gradually teach my baby to sleep in her bassinet during the first few weeks:
- 1. Before you lay your baby down in the bassinet, heat it up with a hot water bottle or a hat. The temperature change might be waking up your baby if they are sleeping on you. They may sleep longer if the mattress is warmed. Before you put your baby to sleep, don’t forget to remove the hot water bottle and make sure it isn’t too warm.
- 2. If your infant falls asleep on you, wait 10 to 15 minutes until they are in a deeper sleep before transferring them to their bassinet. If you move your infant after they’ve just fallen asleep, they might wake up.
- 3. Instead of putting your baby’s head first in the bassinet, put their feet down first. When you lay them down head first, they may awaken suddenly because they believe they are falling. (You are probably familiar with the sensation of suddenly jumping awake as you are about to fall asleep.)
- 4. For a couple of nights, sleep on the baby’s mattress sheet so that it absorbs your scent. Babies’ sense of smell is extremely developed at birth. Although they cannot yet recognize you by sight, newborns can smell you. They feel very at ease around you because of the way you smell, which gives them the impression that you are nearby.
- 5. When necessary, place your infant in the bassinet during the day. Finding a moment to yourself can be challenging if your baby wants to be with you all the time. But so are your requirements! The bassinet is a secure place for your baby to be while you use the restroom, prepare yourself a drink or some food, or brush your teeth. Spending brief periods of time in the bassinet while your baby is awake will help them become more accustomed to the setting and may help them fall asleep more easily in their bassinet.
Try to keep in mind that your newborn baby is still adjusting to this vast, unfamiliar world! It might take them a little while to adjust to sleeping in their bassinet without you since they spent the previous nine months with you, but you will both get there.
Your baby needs to sleep in the safest environment possible for the sake of your entire family. While you might not be able to wave a magic wand or throw some sleeping powder into their bassinet to make them fall asleep quickly, you can take some steps to prepare them for a sound night’s sleep.
Keep in mind that it’s acceptable to take a short break to collect yourself if you notice yourself getting impatient with your young child. Do not be reluctant to seek out additional guidance and support from local new parent sleep support groups in your neighborhood.
Don’t forget: This too shall pass. Sleep disruptions are frequent but always transient. While navigating your new life as a family, be kind to yourself and your baby. You’ll both be sleeping again soon.